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Post-transcriptional regulation of the tumor suppressor miR-139-5p and a network of miR-139-5p-mediated mRNA interactions in colorectal cancer  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Shen, Ke#[1,2]Mao, Rurong[1,2];Ma, Li[1,2];Li, Yueqi[1,2];Qiu, Yanyan(邱艳艳)[3]Cui, Daling[1,2];Le, Vanminh[1,2];Yin, Peihao(殷佩浩)[3]Ni, Lei*[4]Liu, Jianwen*[1,2]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    FEBS JOURNAL ISSN:1742-464X 2014 年 281 卷 16 期 (3609 - 3624) ; AUG
  • 收录:
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  • 摘要:

    MicroRNAs play key roles in many biological processes, and are frequently dysregulated in tumor cells. However, there are few studies on how microRNAs are dysregulated. miR-139-5p, an important tumor suppressor, is often underexpressed in gastrointestinal cancer cells. Here, we describe post-transcriptional regulation of this intronic microRNA in human colorectal cancer. miR-139-5p is expressed independently of its overexpressed host gene PDE2A in colorectal cancer tissues and cell lines. The miR-139-5p target genes IGF1R, ROCK2 and RAP1B exert regulatory effects on the miR-139-5p expression level, relying on their ability to compete for miR-139-5p binding. These overexpressed target genes also regulate each others' protein levels through 3'-UTRs, thus regulating tumor cell growth and motility properties. Our study provides a mechanistic, experimentally validated rationale for intronic microRNA dysregulation in colorectal cancer, revealing novel oncogenic roles of IGF1R, ROCK2 and RAP1B 3'-UTRs.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Shen Ke,Mao Rurong,Ma Li, et al. Post-transcriptional regulation of the tumor suppressor miR-139-5p and a network of miR-139-5p-mediated mRNA interactions in colorectal cancer [J].FEBS JOURNAL,2014,281(16):3609-3624.
  • APA:
    Shen Ke,Mao Rurong,Ma Li,Li Yueqi,&Liu Jianwen.(2014).Post-transcriptional regulation of the tumor suppressor miR-139-5p and a network of miR-139-5p-mediated mRNA interactions in colorectal cancer .FEBS JOURNAL,281(16):3609-3624.
  • MLA:
    Shen Ke, et al. "Post-transcriptional regulation of the tumor suppressor miR-139-5p and a network of miR-139-5p-mediated mRNA interactions in colorectal cancer" .FEBS JOURNAL 281,16(2014):3609-3624.
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