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Different effects of ursodeoxycholic acid on intrahepatic cholestasis in acute and recovery stages induced by alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate in mice  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Zhang, Linlin(张林林)#[1,2]Su, Huizong(苏慧宗)#[1,2]Li, Yue[1,2];Fan, Yujuan[1,2];Wang, Qian[1,2];Jiang, Jian(蒋健)[1,2]Hu, Yiyang(胡义扬)[1,2]Chen, Gaofeng[1,2];Tan, Bo*[1,2]Qiu, Furong(裘福荣)*[1,2]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY ISSN:0041-008X 2018 年 342 卷 (69 - 78) ; MAR 1
  • 收录:
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  • 摘要:

    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) on the alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate (ANIT)-induced acute and recovery stage of cholestasis model mice. In the acute stage of model mice, pretreatment with UDCA (25, 50, and 100 mg.kg(-1), ig) for 12 days prior to ANIT administration (50 mg.kg(-1), ig) resulted in the dramatic increase in serum biochemistry, with aggrevation of bile infarcts and hepatocyte necrosis. The elevation of beta-muricholic acid (beta-MCA), cholic acid (CA), and taurocholic acid (TCA) in serum and liver, and reduction of these bile acids (BAs) in bile was observed. In contrast, in the recovery stage of model mice, treatment with UDCA (25, 50, and 100 mg.kg(-1), ig) for 7 days after ANIT administration (50 mg.kg(-1), ig) resulted in the significant decrease in levels of serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and total bile acid (TBA). Liver injury was attenuated, and the levels of TBA, CA, TCA, and beta-MCA in the liver were significantly decreased. Additionally, UDCA can upregulate expression of BSEP, but it cannot upregulate expression of AE2. UDCA, which induced BSEP to increase bile acid-dependent bile flow, aggravated cholestasis and liver injury when the bile duct was obstructed in the acute stage of injury in model mice. In contrast, UDCA alleviated cholestasis and liver injury induced by ANIT when the obstruction was improved in the recovery stage.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Zhang Linlin,Su Huizong,Li Yue, et al. Different effects of ursodeoxycholic acid on intrahepatic cholestasis in acute and recovery stages induced by alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate in mice [J].TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY,2018,342:69-78.
  • APA:
    Zhang Linlin,Su Huizong,Li Yue,Fan Yujuan,&Qiu Furong.(2018).Different effects of ursodeoxycholic acid on intrahepatic cholestasis in acute and recovery stages induced by alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate in mice .TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY,342:69-78.
  • MLA:
    Zhang Linlin, et al. "Different effects of ursodeoxycholic acid on intrahepatic cholestasis in acute and recovery stages induced by alpha-naphthylisothiocyanate in mice" .TOXICOLOGY AND APPLIED PHARMACOLOGY 342(2018):69-78.
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