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Hypoxia-induced MIR155 is a potent autophagy inducer by targeting multiple players in the MTOR pathway  期刊论文  

  • 编号:
  • 作者:
    Wan, Gang#[1,2]Xie, Weidong#[2]Liu, Zhenyan[3];Xu, Wei[1,2];Lao, Yuanzhi(劳远至)[3]Huang, Nunu[1,2];Cui, Kai[1,2];Liao, Meijian[1,2];He, Jie[2];Jiang, Yuyang[4];Yang, Burton B.[5];Xu, Hongxi(徐宏喜)[3]Xu, Naihan*[2]Zhang, Yaou*[2]
  • 语种:
  • 期刊:
    AUTOPHAGY ISSN:1554-8627 2014 年 10 卷 1 期 (70 - 79) ; JAN 1
  • 收录:
  • 关键词:
  • 摘要:

    Hypoxia activates autophagy, an evolutionarily conserved cellular catabolic process. Dysfunction in the autophagy pathway has been implicated in an increasing number of human diseases, including cancer. Hypoxia induces upregulation of a specific set of microRNAs (miRNAs) in a variety of cell types. Here, we describe hypoxia-induced MIR155 as a potent inducer of autophagy. Enforced expression of MIR155 increases autophagic activity in human nasopharyngeal cancer and cervical cancer cells. Knocking down endogenous MIR155 inhibits hypoxia-induced autophagy. We demonstrated that MIR155 targets multiple players in MTOR signaling, including RHEB, RICTOR, and RPS6KB2. MIR155 suppresses target-gene expression by directly interacting with their 3 untranslated regions (UTRs), mutations of the binding sites abolish their MIR155 responsiveness. Furthermore, by downregulating MTOR signaling, MIR155 also attenuates cell proliferation and induces G(1)/S cell cycle arrest. Collectively, these data present a new role for MIR155 as a key regulator of autophagy via dysregulation of MTOR pathway.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Wan Gang,Xie Weidong,Liu Zhenyan, et al. Hypoxia-induced MIR155 is a potent autophagy inducer by targeting multiple players in the MTOR pathway [J].AUTOPHAGY,2014,10(1):70-79.
  • APA:
    Wan Gang,Xie Weidong,Liu Zhenyan,Xu Wei,&Zhang Yaou.(2014).Hypoxia-induced MIR155 is a potent autophagy inducer by targeting multiple players in the MTOR pathway .AUTOPHAGY,10(1):70-79.
  • MLA:
    Wan Gang, et al. "Hypoxia-induced MIR155 is a potent autophagy inducer by targeting multiple players in the MTOR pathway" .AUTOPHAGY 10,1(2014):70-79.
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