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Comparative pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution profiles of four major bioactive components in normal and hepatic fibrosis rats after oral administration of Fuzheng Huayu recipe  期刊论文  

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    JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS ISSN:0731-7085 2015 年 114 卷 (152 - 158) ; OCT 10
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  • 摘要:

    Fuzheng Huayu recipe (FZHY) is a herbal product for the treatment of liver fibrosis approved by the Chinese State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA), but its pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution had not been investigated. In this study, the liver fibrotic model was induced with intraperitoneal injection of dimethylnitrosamine (DMN), and FZHY was given orally to the model and normal rats. The plasma pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution profiles of four major bioactive components from FZHY were analyzed in the normal and fibrotic rat groups using an ultrahigh performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS) method. Results revealed that the bioavailabilities of danshensu (DSS), salvianolic acid B (SAB) and rosmarinic acid (ROS) in liver fibrotic rats increased 1.49, 3.31 and 2.37-fold, respectively, compared to normal rats. There was no obvious difference in the pharmacokinetics of amygdalin (AMY) between the normal and fibrotic rats. The tissue distribution of DSS, SAB, and AMY trended to be mostly in the kidney and lung. The distribution of DSS, SAB, and AMY in liver tissue of the model rats was significantly decreased compared to the normal rats. Significant differences in the pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution profiles of DSS, ROS, SAB and AMY were observed in rats with hepatic fibrosis after oral administration of FZHY. These results provide a meaningful basis for developing a clinical dosage regimen in the treatment of hepatic fibrosis by FZHY. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Yang Tao,Liu Shan,Wang Chang-Hong, et al. Comparative pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution profiles of four major bioactive components in normal and hepatic fibrosis rats after oral administration of Fuzheng Huayu recipe [J].JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS,2015,114:152-158.
  • APA:
    Yang Tao,Liu Shan,Wang Chang-Hong,Tao Yan-Yan,&Liu Cheng-Hai.(2015).Comparative pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution profiles of four major bioactive components in normal and hepatic fibrosis rats after oral administration of Fuzheng Huayu recipe .JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS,114:152-158.
  • MLA:
    Yang Tao, et al. "Comparative pharmacokinetic and tissue distribution profiles of four major bioactive components in normal and hepatic fibrosis rats after oral administration of Fuzheng Huayu recipe" .JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND BIOMEDICAL ANALYSIS 114(2015):152-158.
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