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Preparation and purification of canthinone and beta-carboline alkaloids from Picrasma quassioides based on bioautography and mass-spectrometry-directed autopurification system  期刊论文  

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    JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE ISSN:1615-9306 2018 年 41 卷 15 期 (3014 - 3021) ; AUG
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  • 摘要:

    Picrasma quassioides (D. Don) Benn. is a widely used traditional Chinese medicine for anti-inflammation and antibiosis. Canthinone and beta-carboline alkaloids are the main characteristic constituents that possess diverse pharmacological effects, such as anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious properties. In this study, bioautography in thinlayer chromatography indicated that the antiradical activity compound may be alkaloids. Then, a simple, fast, and efficient method was established for the separation and purification of two types of alkaloids from P. quassioides by mass-spectrometry-directed autopurification system. Eight alkaloids were isolated and purified in this one-step methodology. Among them, five compounds (3, 95.1%, 58.8 mg; 4, 98.4%, 71.7 mg; 6, 97.8%, 365.4 mg; 7, 97.7%, 172.7 mg; 8, 98.2%, 180.3 mg) were obtained in large amounts with extremely high purities. Then, the antiradical activities of the isolates showed that 4-methoxy-5-hydroxycanthin-6-one (6) exhibited obvious 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl free radical scavenging activity with an IC50 value of 84.037 mu M. This study offers a new method for the preparation of targeted bioactive alkaloids in P. quassioides. This work also provides a reference for the separation of other targeted chemical components with potential activities from traditional Chinese herbal medicines.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Yang Na,Shi Yanhong,Xiong Aizhen, et al. Preparation and purification of canthinone and beta-carboline alkaloids from Picrasma quassioides based on bioautography and mass-spectrometry-directed autopurification system [J].JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE,2018,41(15):3014-3021.
  • APA:
    Yang Na,Shi Yanhong,Xiong Aizhen,Zhou Yue,&Wang Zhengtao.(2018).Preparation and purification of canthinone and beta-carboline alkaloids from Picrasma quassioides based on bioautography and mass-spectrometry-directed autopurification system .JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE,41(15):3014-3021.
  • MLA:
    Yang Na, et al. "Preparation and purification of canthinone and beta-carboline alkaloids from Picrasma quassioides based on bioautography and mass-spectrometry-directed autopurification system" .JOURNAL OF SEPARATION SCIENCE 41,15(2018):3014-3021.
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