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Suspended moxibustion at Tianshu (ST25) inhibits prokineticin 1 and prokineticin receptor 1 expression in the spinal cord of rats with chronic visceral hypersensitivity  期刊论文  

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    NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH ISSN:1673-5374 2012 年 7 卷 15 期 (1145 - 1150) ; MAY 25
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  • 摘要:

    Suspended moxibustion can decrease the expression of prokineticin 1 and its receptor in colonic tissue from rats modeling chronic visceral hyperalgesia. This study aimed to verify if rat spinal cord prokineticin 1 and its receptor contribute to the analgesic effect of suspended moxibustion in a rat model of irritable bowel syndrome where rats display chronic visceral hypersensitivity. Results showed that suspended moxibustion at Tianshu (ST25) point significantly decreased visceral sensitivity to colorectal distention in a chronic visceral hyperalgesia rat model; also protein and mRNA expression of prokineticin 1 and prokineticin receptor 1 in the spinal cord of rats was significantly decreased. Experimental findings indicate that prokineticin 1 and prokineticin receptor 1 are involved in the analgesia using suspended moxibustion in rats with chronic visceral hyperalgesia.

  • 推荐引用方式
    GB/T 7714:
    Zhao Chen,Qi Li,Wu Luyi, et al. Suspended moxibustion at Tianshu (ST25) inhibits prokineticin 1 and prokineticin receptor 1 expression in the spinal cord of rats with chronic visceral hypersensitivity [J].NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH,2012,7(15):1145-1150.
  • APA:
    Zhao Chen,Qi Li,Wu Luyi,Yi Tao,&Wang Xiaomei.(2012).Suspended moxibustion at Tianshu (ST25) inhibits prokineticin 1 and prokineticin receptor 1 expression in the spinal cord of rats with chronic visceral hypersensitivity .NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH,7(15):1145-1150.
  • MLA:
    Zhao Chen, et al. "Suspended moxibustion at Tianshu (ST25) inhibits prokineticin 1 and prokineticin receptor 1 expression in the spinal cord of rats with chronic visceral hypersensitivity" .NEURAL REGENERATION RESEARCH 7,15(2012):1145-1150.
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